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Az oldal a 2x-es Grammy-djas rockbandval, az Evanescence-szel, s angyali  hang nekesnjvel, Amy Lee-vel foglalkozik. Ben Moody gitrossal alaptottk meg az egyttest 1995-ben. Kemnyen megdolgoztak a sikerrt, s mindig is a minsgre helyeztk a hangslyt. Az Evanescence tagjai: Amy Lee (nek, zongora, hrfa) Jen Majura (basszusgitr), Tim McCord (ritmusgitr), Will Hunt (dob), Troy McLawhorn (gitr).
Vilgszerte tbb, mint 25 milli eladott albummal napjaink meghatroz rockzenekara.
Megjelent kiadvnyok, albumok:

• Evanescence EP (1998)
• Origin demo (2000)
Fallen (2003)
• Anywhere But Home DVD (2004)
The Open Door (2006)
Evanescence (2011)
• The Ultimate Collection BoxSet (2016)

Synthesis (2017)
Synthesis Live Orchestra  DVD (2018)
The Bitter Truth (2020)


Amy Lee

Amy Lee 1981-ben szletett, 9 ves korban kezdett zongorzni. Nagy hatssal volt r Mozart munkssga. Eredetileg klasszikus zeneszerz szeretett volna lenni, a rockzent mindig is szerette, gy a kt zenei stlus tvzete a mai napig jellemzi dalait. 2007-ben hzasodott ssze Josh Hartzlerrel, 2014-ben szletett meg kisfiuk, Jack Lion. Szlkarrierje 2014-ben indult: filmzenket, feldolgozsokat kszt, de megjelent egy gyermekdalokat tartalmaz albuma is.
Megjelent albumai:
• Aftermath (2014)
• Covers vol.1 (2015)
• Dream Too Much (2016)


Evanescence Hungary
N e w s
E v a n e s c e n c e
A m y  L e e
A u d i o
D o w n l o a d
G a l l er y

Az oldal nem ll kapcsolatban az egyttessel, tagjaival, menedzserkkel. Nonprofit-site. Clja, hogy napraksz infokkal szolgljon a magyar rajongk rszre.
Az oldalon lv tartalom a www.evanescence.gportal.hu kizrlagos tulajdona, a cikkek jrakzlse nem megendegett, TILOS!

© 2003-2022

Szerkeszt & design: Emerci

elz szerkesztk / lastest editors:
Kriszta (2007-2015)
Dvid (2003-2007)


Actual projects


Az tdik nagylemez megjelent 2020-ban. A lemezhez kapcsold turn mr folyamatban van.


J KISLEMEZ - "Better Without You"

Megjelent: 2021.
Zzs, rockos hangzs dal a "The Bitter Truth"  albumrl


TURN  - "2021-2022"

2021.novemberben kzs turnra indult az egyttes a Halestormmal. 2022-ben pedig fleg Eurpban fognak koncerteket adni.

TURN  - "Worlds Collide Tour"

2020-ban kzs turnra indult volna az Evanescence a Within Temptationnel, azonban a jrvnyhelyzet miatt a dtumokat trltk. A koncertek ptlsa 2022 els felben kerl megrendezsre. Helyszn: Eurpa.



2024. Janur
<<   >>
Koncertek idn

koncert 2022

Worlds Collide Tour a Within Temptationnel

2022. mrcius 16. Lipcse, Nmetorszg
2022. mrcius 17. Berlin Velodrom
2022. mrcius 18. Gliwice Lengyelorszg
2022. mrcius 20. Brsszel Belgium
2022. mrcius 21
2022. mrcius 23. Dsseldorf Nmetorszg
2022. mrcius 24.  Luxembourg Rockhal
2022. mrcius 26. Mnchen, Nmetorszg
2022. mrcius 28. Miln Olaszorszg
2022. mrcius 30. Prizs, Franciaorszg
2022. prilis 1. Hamburg Nmetorszg
2022. prilis 4. Leeds England
2022. prilis 5. London The O2 Arena
2022. prilis 7. Glasgow Scotland
2022. prilis 8. Birmingham England
2022. prilis 11. Amszterdam, Hollandia
2022. prilis 12
2022. prilis 13. Frankfurt Nmetorszg
2022. prilis 15. Zrich Svjc Hallenstadion



sszes turn

« 1999-tl napjainkig.

Friss bejegyzsek




    Magyarorszg egyetlen napraksz
    portlja az Evanescence egyttesrl, s annak nekesnjrl, Amy Lee-rl. Az oldalon a legfrissebb hreket, s a bandval kapcsolatos leglnyegesebb informcikat tallhatod meg.
    Krdsed lenne velk kapcsolatban? rj az zenfalra, vagy keress e-mail-ben.

    xoxo: Emerci /szerk./






Within Temptation magazin

Lothlrien   ♦  Cave of Cerberus  ♦ Kit Harington Online  ♦ HIM

Evanescence's Official sites:


Members on twitter:

Amy Lee TimMcCord
Troy McLawhorn Will Hunt Jen Majura

Amy Lee's Official sites:


Interjk : 2012/ Amy Lee: Q&A Rolling Stone (angol)

2012/ Amy Lee: Q&A Rolling Stone (angol)

The Evanescence founder on taking her time, rumors of a solo record and crowd-pleasing golden nuggets


June 03, 2012



It’s hard to believe that Evanescence founder Amy Lee still gets nervous before a show. But opening for rock legends can do it: “We’re actually in Lisbon to play Rock in Rio,” Lee says, over the phone. “It’s going to be a big one tonight, we’re opening for Metallica. Just a little bit of pressure.” That, and new audiences – something Evanescence will experience this month when they play in Dubai and Beirut. “Those are the ones that I get the most nervous and excited for, because I know a lot of people are getting to see us for the first time. And I really want it to be us at our best.”


There’s been quite a gap between Evanescence albums. Why is that?

I’ve always been a believer in quality not quantity. I just feel like it’s not worth putting something out if it’s not great. Some people can knock out five songs a day, but I’m not that person. I’ll spend weeks laboring over the lyrics of a song. I just wait until I need to write. When I get creative, that means it’s time to put out a record. Not, “OK, we just did really well and people still know who we are. Let’s put out another record.” I was just thinking about this recently because Garbage is coming back. And I was thinking, “It’s been seven years since their last album, I can’t believe everybody’s giving me so much shit.”

It’s also meant your records sound quite different.

I guess my tastes are always changing. I’m the same person; I have the same heart. I’m still the same person that was influenced by Nine Inch Nails, Bjrk, Portishead, Soundgarden and Nirvana when I was young. But it’s not like I’m listening to those bands all the time anymore. Plus, when we made Fallen, I was definitely still trying to figure out who I was – I was a teenager. When I listen to it, I hear a lot of insecurity in myself. I was afraid to do things that could be perceived in any way as not being ‘heavy,’ or not ‘rock & roll.’ As I got more confident, and grown up, I started doing more of whatever I want. Whatever I like. I think that’s actually driven us, musically, in a heavier direction, surprisingly.

Will there be another long wait for the next record?

There’s no plan. I don’t know what to say other than I have to wait again, but I don’t anticipate waiting five years. Between the first two records we went straight from touring the world for a year-and-a-half, into writing, into the studio, into doing it all again. So, I needed a break, and I needed to know myself outside of the band a little bit. I don’t feel that crazy need like I did back then. So no, I don’t think it will be that long. But I’ll stay open-minded. We’ll have to wait and see.

Will you ever get round to the long-rumored solo LP?

I think it’s totally possible. I think it’s probable. When we were writing [for the band] the last time, I was writing songs that I didn’t feel fit for Evanescence. And I’d never felt that way before. There are songs on the record, like “Swimming Home,” that made it through, but were kind of in that place. I was like, “I don’t know if this is an Evanescence song or not. Maybe this is just a solo song.” So I know that there is music in me that is something else. I think. I don’t have a specific plan or time, but I think it will probably happen at some point.

Do you worry that people struggle to separate you from the band?

I hope not. I sometimes feel like, no matter how great I think our new songs are, there will always be people who think of us in terms of “Bring Me To Life,” and “My Immortal,” and they don’t even bother checking out the new stuff because they’ve written it off already. I hate that. I feel like we really grew, as a band, to full maturity after that point. I’m always trying to put us in new places, touring with different bands, playing at different festivals where people might not necessarily listen to us by choice – but they might hear it and think, “Oh. That’s Evanescence now? I like it, I’m going to check them out.”

Do you feel pressure to play those tunes on tour?

I rely on them. I’ve come to realize that there are these golden nuggets that keep people who aren’t even fans interested. When you’re at a show and you hear a song you know, you’re going to get into it because it’s live, and it’s fun. We can play a bunch of new material, but insert “Bring Me To Life” to keep everybody interested if they were starting to lose it [laughs]. It’s also a great show-ender – that’s what it’s really become for us. We can end with a big bang where everybody can sing along.

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 ~  E V A N E S C E N C E    H U N G A R Y  ~
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