Az oldal a 2x-es Grammy-djas rockbandval, az Evanescence-szel, s angyali hang nekesnjvel, Amy Lee-vel foglalkozik. Ben Moody gitrossal alaptottk meg az egyttest 1995-ben. Kemnyen megdolgoztak a sikerrt, s mindig is a minsgre helyeztk a hangslyt. Az Evanescence tagjai: Amy Lee (nek, zongora, hrfa) Jen Majura (basszusgitr), Tim McCord (ritmusgitr), Will Hunt (dob), Troy McLawhorn (gitr).
Vilgszerte tbb, mint 25 milli eladott albummal napjaink meghatroz rockzenekara.
Megjelent kiadvnyok, albumok:
• Evanescence EP (1998)
• Origin demo (2000)
• Fallen (2003)
• Anywhere But Home DVD (2004)
• The Open Door (2006)
• Evanescence (2011)
• The Ultimate Collection BoxSet (2016)
• Synthesis (2017)
• Synthesis Live Orchestra DVD (2018)
• The Bitter Truth (2020)
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Amy Lee 1981-ben szletett, 9 ves korban kezdett zongorzni. Nagy hatssal volt r Mozart munkssga. Eredetileg klasszikus zeneszerz szeretett volna lenni, a rockzent mindig is szerette, gy a kt zenei stlus tvzete a mai napig jellemzi dalait. 2007-ben hzasodott ssze Josh Hartzlerrel, 2014-ben szletett meg kisfiuk, Jack Lion. Szlkarrierje 2014-ben indult: filmzenket, feldolgozsokat kszt, de megjelent egy gyermekdalokat tartalmaz albuma is.
Megjelent albumai:
• Aftermath (2014)
• Covers vol.1 (2015)
• Dream Too Much (2016)
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Az oldal nem ll kapcsolatban az egyttessel, tagjaival, menedzserkkel. Nonprofit-site. Clja, hogy napraksz infokkal szolgljon a magyar rajongk rszre.
Az oldalon lv tartalom a www.evanescence.gportal.hu kizrlagos tulajdona, a cikkek jrakzlse nem megendegett, TILOS!
© 2003-2022
Szerkeszt & design: Emerci
elz szerkesztk / lastest editors:
♦ Kriszta (2007-2015)
♦ Dvid (2003-2007)
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Az tdik nagylemez megjelent 2020-ban. A lemezhez kapcsold turn mr folyamatban van.
J KISLEMEZ - "Better Without You"
Megjelent: 2021.
Zzs, rockos hangzs dal a "The Bitter Truth" albumrl
2021.novemberben kzs turnra indult az egyttes a Halestormmal. 2022-ben pedig fleg Eurpban fognak koncerteket adni.
TURN - "Worlds Collide Tour"
2020-ban kzs turnra indult volna az Evanescence a Within Temptationnel, azonban a jrvnyhelyzet miatt a dtumokat trltk. A koncertek ptlsa 2022 els felben kerl megrendezsre. Helyszn: Eurpa.
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2021. Oktber
H | K | S | C | P | S | V | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
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koncert 2022
Worlds Collide Tour a Within Temptationnel
2022. mrcius 16. Lipcse, Nmetorszg
2022. mrcius 17. Berlin Velodrom
2022. mrcius 18. Gliwice Lengyelorszg
2022. mrcius 20. Brsszel Belgium
2022. mrcius 21
2022. mrcius 23. Dsseldorf Nmetorszg
2022. mrcius 24. Luxembourg Rockhal
2022. mrcius 26. Mnchen, Nmetorszg
2022. mrcius 28. Miln Olaszorszg
2022. mrcius 30. Prizs, Franciaorszg
2022. prilis 1. Hamburg Nmetorszg
2022. prilis 4. Leeds England
2022. prilis 5. London The O2 Arena
2022. prilis 7. Glasgow Scotland
2022. prilis 8. Birmingham England
2022. prilis 11. Amszterdam, Hollandia
2022. prilis 12
2022. prilis 13. Frankfurt Nmetorszg
2022. prilis 15. Zrich Svjc Hallenstadion
sszes turn
« 1999-tl napjainkig.
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Magyarorszg egyetlen napraksz
portlja az Evanescence egyttesrl, s annak nekesnjrl, Amy Lee-rl. Az oldalon a legfrissebb hreket, s a bandval kapcsolatos leglnyegesebb informcikat tallhatod meg.
Krdsed lenne velk kapcsolatban? rj az zenfalra, vagy keress e-mail-ben.
xoxo: Emerci /szerk./
Evanescence | Amy Lee hrek |
FESZTIVL KPEK 2009. 11. 11.
Mg sok-sok j kp!
AMY ZENETE 2009. 11. 10
Intro Lyrics
"The words I was singing in the intro were:
Lost whispers
awaken within me
and fly...
Kind of like a prayer to reconnect to the old music, my old self. Calling it all back to me.
I'm glad we were able to use at least just a minute of new music. Terry and I wrote that a few months ago and its been in the "half done" bin for awhile. I think it turned into a beautiful intro."
MEDIA 2009. 11.09
Az albbi videok pr napja kszltek a Maquinaria fesztivlon. H, de ott lettem volna!!!!!
A Mdiafjlokban megtekinthet az egsz show.
me a tracklistja a titkos shownak:
Going Under
Weight of the World
Sweet Sacrifice
The Only One
Cloud Nine
Good Enough
Call Me When You're Sober
Bring Me To Life
All That I'm Living For
Taking Over Me
My Immortal
Your Star
Amy kiakadt 2009. 10. 26.
"I can't believe those tickets went SO FAST. 20 minutes or something? Unreal. You guys are amazing, and I'm really excited. We originally wanted to announce the show a day or 2 before, but that really freaked the venue/promoter/booking agency out. These days they have a hard time packing out a place out even with months of promotion (not all fans are like you!). Thanks for being awesome."
-Amy (Evthreads)
Amy kiakadt, hogy a jegyek 20 perc alatt keltek el. A szerencssek, akik megtehetik, hogy ott legyenek, erre is kpesek. Min csodlkozol, Amy? Ha Eurpba jnnl, 5 perc alatt fogynnak el a jegyek, annyira vrunk mr!:))
PICTURE 2009. 10. 24.
Egy nagyon szp kpet kldtt amy az Ev-Twitteren keresztl! Nzztek csak:
zenet 2009. 10. 23.
Amy a hivatalos Ev frumon zent
"Just wanted to give credit where it's due: Josh took all the new pics 2 weeks ago at our home. I think he's getting really good at it."
"Csak azt akartam elmondani az j kpekrl, hogy Josh csinlta az otthonunkban 2 hete. gy gondolom, elgg jak lettek!"
Az j kp:
Tnyleg nagyszer! Tehetsges fots Josh.
Amy j kpe
Twitteren kldtt a vilgnak kpet magrl Amy. Ez az els twitteres kpe, smink nlkl lthat egy Muppets-bbbal (ami a hamarosan jv meglepetsre utal)...
Amy zenete 2009.
questions questions everywhere and not a drop to speak
I've been sitting here reading through so many of these questions and comments in the "Ask me" thread... trying to find one I haven't answered and want to... I guess I just want to say thanks for making me feel good. Ha. Its really nice to know so many of you miss the music and want to know when you'll hear it again. I've gotten to the point where I'm working on it almost every day (night I should say). I'm in love with it. Enough to fight for it. Enough to reopen the door to a world of chaos even though it scares me. I don't want to give away too much about what it will sound like, because so much will change before the end, but its... not what you would expect. Its definitely not happy married music, but its not like I'm dying the whole time either. Its dark, sarcastic, fun, strange, familiar and very different at the same time. It makes me feel alive and I wish I could show you right now. If you were here, at my house, I would pour you a drink and we would turn it up really loud and rock out to it, and I know you would love it. Thank you everyone who has said their lives were touched by the music. It touches my life too, and so do you, in many ways.
Somebody asked how it made me feel when someone tells me the music changed their life. It makes me feel like I'm not crazy. It feels wonderful.
Also somebody asked why I talk about blood so much, complete with quite a few lyric quotes. It made me laugh. I promise to offer slightly less blood on the next album. Slightly.
Last but not least, I often get asked about band members, the whole "is it a band, is it solo, etc" (understandably! There have been quite a few). Everyone who has ever been a part of Evanescence is a part of its story, a part of its soul. From day 1 it has been a collaborative effort and different people have contributed over the years. But it is more than just people. It's something that has taken on its own life, it has grown, changed and become more interesting, more soulful, more honest than a perfect image will allow. The passion is what makes it live on, the obsessive focus on straight up, head first, love for the music. That is my band. And against all obstacles I'm sticking to it.
See you guys soon!
JRA KONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2009. 10.10.
Sajnos Eurptl igen tvol, Braziliban fog 2009. november 8-n koncertet adni a Maquinaria fesztivlon az Ev.! Amy elrulta, az elads repertorja a rgi szmok kzl lesz, de tartogatnak egy meglepets jdonsgot!
Amy zenete 2009. 08. 25.
Hey everybody! Just checkin in.
There’s been a lot of writing going on this summer and I’m starting to get really excited. My good friend Will happens to also be a great producer, writer and programmer (lucky for me!) and we’ve been slaving away at some pretty interesting stuff lately… I’m not giving anything away just yet. Terry and I have been working together this week at my place just like old times and life is pretty good. I have a little surprise for you that I can’t spill just yet, but its coming soon and I can’t wait. I will let you know as soon as I’m allowed to!
Talk to you soon!
p.s. My favorite music right now: CSS, Depeche Mode (sounds of the universe)(’in chains’ especially), MGMT, MIA. -Wow. I just realized that's a lot of initials…
p.s.s. David Hodges first solo ep comes out tomorrow! Congrats
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